Non construction/development charges (bahria lahore)

Dear members salam,

Can someone please tell me what are the "non construction/development charges" imposed by bahria for 5 and 10 marla plot after the grace period have expired of 3 years

I have read somewhere , the figures are quite big. Please shed some light

another question - where is shaikh saadi location on the map. The map I have its not showing anything

Thanks and appreciate for all the help

Any reply plz thanks

Check this blog!!!

Hope it helps.


Khan sab thanks for the reply on charges… Now can anyone direct me where to find map for shaikh saadi location. Thanks all

U r welcome.

Check out the link below!! saadi block is on top right corner.

Thanks khan sahb

Welcome Sir!

And one more thing sir, if no-one replies you, take help from a member named B.R.Malik sahab. He knows alot and definitely helps alot.


Khan sahb thanks for helping me out, can you quickly answer one more thing plz… What is the meaning of plot on ground and plot not yet on ground? thanks again

Mr Ali sahab as per my knowledge , i believe plot on ground means the one with possession and is ready for construction. And the plot not on ground means the non-possession one. E.g.Bahria pindi Sector F3 where allotment letter is issued with plot no. But no demarcation has been done, infact you will only see mountains there :slight_smile:

May b some senior member can explain you all this more clearly.


The answer is good enough for me… Thanks khan sab appreciate all your help

You are welcome sir!