Pha flats for monthly income and long term investment

Dear experts and members,

Could you please tell me how are pha flats (completed projects) for generating monthly income and as long term investments?

What is are range of investment that one needs to get a good rent-able unit?


The ones in G-11, you are talking about?


The 5 Marla single story houses must have done by an honest contractor as they are very strong even now!
You can buy an old unit, put another floor above it: It can give you a very good rent as well as a good selling value.
As you are asking apartments, sorry to say that these flats are not in good shape, baths leaking and other sanitary problems.
In Islamabad, I have seen a less than 5 Marla house with basement, ground and 1st floor, all 03 floors distinct to each other and rented to different renters.
If I would you, I would go for house, not an apartment.

Abdul Qayyum bhai, give me some options. When I go the real market I find almost so suitable option in my budget.

Dear AKH
If it has to be Islamabad then in F-11 Markaz, G-13 & G-11 Markaz, shops could be bought for rental income.
For example, in F-11, a lowest priced shop would cost you around Rs 40 lacs and minimum rent would be 25K per month.
The PHA house will cost you 75-80 lacs, spend another 30 lacs or so and enjoy the rent of full house ~ 50K per month.
Regarding I-16, I did not visit so I cannot comment.
Regarding Curi road, I am thinking to buy a gray structure, complete it and sell it: I can comment at the end of November In Shaa Allah.
Sorry, my answer in pieces as I am busy, too.

Dear Abdul Qayyum sb,

Can you please shed some more light on the 5 marla G-11 single storey houses. Is this a PHA project? Where is it located and how much is the market price? Is the construction quality good. Are there any restrictions on adding another floor? Do you recommend it for investment? Pros and cons?

As I said before, these are PHA houses but the man who made them had to be an honest contractor.
My colleague bought two units and made them doubled. He bought some 2 years before at 70 lacs each unit and spent 30 lacs on doubling them up. Now each unit is earning 50,000 monthly rent. The current rent is even more but He is in gulf, has good income and do not want to be bothered to push his good renters.

These are single units and time to time offered on sale, you need to notify your dealer to follow the market up. You will need hard work to break them for modification as they are built strong.
Tonight when He reports for night duty, I will get his permission to give you his contacts, if you are interested.

I have puchased one for myself in G-11/2 PHA single in 102, last year, i live as well, apreciation about now 2M plus if i rent it in 30000/month, solid structure if doubled easily 60000/