Plot vs Flat/Apartment


Need some help from the geeks & gurus that should one buy a plot or instead a flat/apartment for the range of 12-14 lac?

Which is better? Plot has got possession but perhaps flat/apartment does not allow you to have possession of land!

Please make us wise on the subject.

Thanks & regards!

Hm 12-14 lac for a flat in Islamabad. I don’t think so you can get it at this price. Well the pros of flats are it’s less expensive, easy to maintain and usually more secure. The cons of flats are they have less privacy, land ownership issues for inheritance, and the flats start to loose their value after 20-25 years as the construction becomes old and the flat becomes not livable. While the plot value always increases.


Hm, you must be right about the price tag for a flat in Islamabad, but would it be available in DHA/Bahria? If so, what do you think whether would one go for flat vs plot for a duration of around 10 years or so as they might be newly constructed.

Don't you think it would give some advantage on monthly basis in the form of rent.
