Want to buy a plot near downtown islamabad to build my home in 5 years

Dear experts,

I seek your value-able advice. I am planning to build my home in five years’ time from now. I would like to build my house in a place which is not far away from downtown islamabad. I have following locations in mind and need to know which one of these will get populated within 5 years’ time. Please feel free to advice any other location in addition to these locations:
1. gulberg residentia
2. dha valley
3. dha phase ii extension
4. i-14
5. i-11
6. i-12
I want to purchase plot now for building in five years and of course would prefer to get a plot in most beneficial prick.

I would pick DHA phase 2 extension in the options given

Further suggestions please

You used the word down town as your reference...only blue area would qualify for the term down town/city centre for islamabad

if i were in your shoes,i would probably go for gulberg residencia or bahria enclave.keeping in mind that you want to build your home after five years

these two sectors will be densely populated in five years time,and both are about twenty minutes away from blue area

p.s.. You can reach me at (islamabadrealtor at gmail com) for more of my humble two cents

Preference for size and budget?

Mr. Khan , same question as above, budget is 25 lacs , thanks

Haseeb sb,

I wud go for BE for personal living.


I second mr.khan !

Being factual.

Sami sb, thanks.

I think Musafar suggestion of DHA Ph 2 Ext is valid as you have 5 years in hand.