Where a salary person can invest ?

Aoa.. This forum is quite informative regarding investment in real estate but after viewing diff discussions, i notice that it is mainly for "wealthy" people (eg invest 2.5 m, 4.0 m etc) as i see very few discussion for small investors.

Simply, i want to ask that where a salary person earning approx 50k p.M can buy a plot/invest his hard earned money in lahore any other city. A place where he can buy in monthly installments of min 3 years and its safe as well.

At the moment, i know 03 options
1 - city gardens - p.C.H.S
2 - ichs
3 - lahore motor way city

All r cooperative societies, can any one tell that r these societies safe/trust worthy to invest ? As these societies r not approved by lda etc. I mean no fraud and which of them is best in future .


In his child’s future :slight_smile: