Come On Lets Be Honest

I have recently started posting on this forum but i am an old player in the construction business.

So how about we all brothers give an honest opinion how much does it really cost to build a house regardless of its size.

In my opinion that rs.1250 for an average house to about rs.1500 to a very very good house than for an outclass home rs1800 per sq feet.

I have build them in these rates in Islamabad, Bahria and DHA.

Kindly comment further. No offense to none of my brothers.

Good if you can offer competitive prices to your clients. I appreciate that.

regards, z@in N@deem

This is sort of great info for those who usually come to this forum for inquiring the rates of construction. A very simple formula for those without any ambiguity.

Thanks H--T


Thanks fahad and zain.

I started this thread just to give the cost idea for construction and not the amount the contractors make on top which can be in 10 to 30 lacs at times.

HT, please get in contact for some work, Thanks


I have send you an email
