Any Updates About Regi Lalma Model Town In Peshawar?


Any updates about the problem of regi lalma model town in peshawar, as the rates are stagnant since long. The provincial government needs to take some measures and start developing its different zones.

Regards, Shehryar


Do you have any stakes in the locality? And I am on the same page with you that provincial government needs to look into the matter.

regards, z@in N@deem

Regilalama has the potential to be the best residential/investment opportunity in the terror torn Peshawar which has seen floods of displaced people form KPK and Afghanistan. The problem is the land acquired form the tribes in Khyber probably has not happened with justice and as a result the opposition to the project is tremendous. I personally will not be very optimistic about it getting settled.

@sinful…Thanks for adding to it.