Need advice to sell non map plot in new town ph5 gawader? Need help

Asalam o alikum to all

I have a plot in new town gawader, ph -5 , 200 yards.

Issue is we had deposited to name it at our in january, but still it was not named. I am not expert in gawader , jut buy it due to adivce of my uncle.

Now, i heard goverment has banned transfered of non map files , not sure why?

Is that ture/

I need some urgent money so want to know

A) is there any chance it can be on our name so we can sell it in near future, what was goverment plan on it.

Any body expert in gawader can advice

B) how can i sell it without our name, we do have proper documents that we submit it to authority

Even if i know how long it can take to lift the ban , i can in shah allah plan my future

At the moment too much frustated as i just heard few days ago that i might not able to sell it as still it was not in our name.

Please note that i just invest money and my uncle just buy it as they are more knowledge able so i am totally blank on it what process it takes.