Gulberg 30x60 Vs JKCHS (Zone-V) 50x90

The price of JKCHS (Zone-V) 50x90 plot is less than the price of Gulberg 30x60 plot. At the moment, the development status of Gulberg is better than JKCHS project. But Gulberg is also a minimum of 3 to 5 years investment.

So, which investment is more better for the next 3 to 5 years with the same price and adjacent locations?

Jammu has attraction, but i doubt when they will start development, i am also interested in purchasing those files, as after society elections, they have nothing to do they might start development here, but they have done anything up till now.

@Nasir Khurshid: Do you recommend to buy a “Land Against File” in Zone-V? Because society will definitely put escalation charges on all other files in future and hope you know that Land Against File do not get this type of problem. The only compromising thing is that a buyer has to pay full amount for that file.

What are escalation charges?

What are those charges?

Any news whether JKCHS have started Development now that Mr Minas is elected. Has he announced the re-schedule of development?

Any updates?

Any of next AGM?