My take on dha valley

Dear zameen fellas i have a very different opinion about the happenings in the valley. Some three months back, court has ordered the punjab government to built the dam at site a and the punjab government agreed to that. Neither dha nor bahria objected that decision. Instead of halting work at the sectors that are supposedly under the dam area, dha / bahria increased the pace of the development and now carpeting the roads, installing light poles and laying cables. My understanding is that dha / bahria does not care about the location of the dam. They will develop the area asap and hand over the possession to the plot owners. And we all know very well, once the area is developed and possession is given, it will be impossible for the government to compensate the plot owners and build the dam there. You can take the defence villas example here, more the half of the land where the defence villas are build is forest land. But can the court evacuate the inhabitants now? At the end of the day, malik riaz will offer to build the dam free of cost but at site b.

Interesting view but in any case the Army and MR are on the same page and this is all topi drama for General Raheel’s public relations.

Tariq Khan, could be true.... But i personally feel, nothing will happen big in longer run... In short term the market may be affected.


This is all a volatile game in valley to cool down victims. Few months before, an exclusive interview of MR with Salim Safi was launched which was the first trap. It was launched with a mutual understanding of DHA (Army) & MR. MR explicitly declared possessions will be given in DEC 2015 and machinery is installed. He was actually right, they planed to develop few plots and tried to activate sale/purchase activity in valley files. In this way, an overhead of files could be transferred to new entry victims, who could afford to wait for the next couple of years & the game will continue in the same way…

@ M.Z.Malik so you mean stay away from investing in valley?

I guess it is not a stable project and real estate investment principles also suggest to refrain from such doomed projects.