Lahore Residential Plots
Adams Housing Scheme Residential Plots
Residential Plot 24593063

Residential Plot For Sale Situated In Lahore Garden Housing Scheme

Adams Housing Scheme, Lahore, Punjab
9 Marla



  • TypeResidential Plot
  • Price
    PKR45 Lakh
  • LocationAdams Housing Scheme, Lahore, Punjab
  • Bath(s)-
  • Area9 Marla
  • PurposeFor Sale
  • Bedroom(s)-
  • Added4 years ago


Plot for sale good location
Advance Booking
Here is a list of 2025 Square Feet property best suited for your needs. So if you're interested in buying this property, we would advise you to book it today. Plug in to our listings and you'll find out that it has various properties that come at a reasonable price tag such as Rs 4,500,000 in this case. This is the newest, most attractive neighbourhood of the Lahore and you wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to live here. The prime location of Lahore Garden Housing Scheme will also ensure that your real estate asset will have great market value. Just think this Residential Plot has been specially curated for your requirements.
You can contact us now to know all about it.

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Home Finance

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Interest Plan
Ghar Sahulat Scheme
Employment Status
Property Price
Loan Period
Down Payment
Interest Rate
DISCLAIMER: Interest rates may vary from the value shown on Actual interest rate prevalent as per bank’s policy will be applicable at the time of application.
Monthly PaymentPKR44 Thousand
Bank Finance AmountPKR31.5 Lakh
Payment Breakdown

Price Index

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