Bad uncle

I am writing on behalf of my friend fateh. His grandfather left an estate and business in quetta to his three sons, wali, dost (who has a slight mental impairment) and saleh (fateh’s father.) saleh died last year, and left no will. Saleh worked the business on his own his whole life and supported his two brothers. There is no record of wali every being involved in the business, rather saleh provided for him and his family. Wali’s name is not on the business account for example.

Now, wali is making moves to take the business from fateh, seizing all the business papers, insisting his name be added to the account so he can take whatever monies he wants and go off on his own. As fateh has a large family for which he is responsible and who rely on income from the business as well as rent from some properties, he needs to know his rights under sharia inheritance and any other relevant law. He is an hanafi sunni.

Many thanks,