Change of mind after selling house

Hi all,

I have sold my house 1.5 months back and got three months time to empty the house. Got 10% of the selling amount as a deposit from buyer and i have signed on the stamp paper which states that if i refuse to sell later on, i need to pay back the buyer 20% amount of the selling price and same condition for buyer as well. Now, i have changed my mind and don't want to sell my house due to some unforeseen circumstances. Is there any legal way that i can do this safely without paying extra money to the buyer ?

Putting things in writing has both pros and cons. In your situation, you want to get out of this. I think it really depends on your terms or relations with the Buyers or their agent. If you can somehow convince them that your change of heart is genuine and not due to another Buyer who is willing to pay more money, then you might be lucky and strike a deal.