Cruel world in shape of cruel real estate agents

I am an individual and have posted an ad on zameen of my 5 marla plot. One of the agent asked me that your plot will not be disposed of for more than 425k per marla. Interestingly same agent or their estate agency posted the ad with same specs and asks for 524k per marla.
I am leaving a question for all of you that is it justified or halal for an agent to quote a lesser price to the seller and asked for a much higher price from the prospective buyer. Where the difference goes.....?

Haram , Haram… Kullo Haram

Dealer can ask the higher price if he doesn't hide anything from the seller about the buyer. I think dealers always ask for higher price as bargaining is part of the game. Also, asking higher price means labelling your property as of good value.

Now once some party is interested and seller meets the buyer and nothing is hidden, it's fine. But if something is hidden, it's Haram obviously.

Well, it depends, it is haram if you don’t know and he is selling it on a higher price, if he buys the plot from you and then re sells it on a higher price, then it is not haram.

U will not even come to know and agent will sell it on higher price. :wink:

IT is HARAM in all forms . You deceive the seller, you use deceptive methods, and cross all ethics and norms plus use illegal ways for quick money earning.

IN my opinion ,there is no difference bet such ppl and thieves, yes thieves may be less blamable in some cases as sometimes their utter hunger for food compels them such practices, but these ppl steals millions in trust breaching ways and are purely feeding themselves and their generations on HARAM.

Suppose a villager with no market knowledge of gold comes to a goldsmith for selling his 1 gram gold . NOW the goldsmith knows the price is 4000 rs per gram , but take advantage of innocence and trust of the villager, and traps the villager in swt words convince him for 2000 rs per gram. The villager trust him , and sells the gold .



If the goldsmith says that whatever is its price in market, I can only offer you Rs 2000/-, than its Halal. No deception No haram.

But such situation rarely comes. Mostly it's wrong practices which prevail in the market.

Haram obviously

One of my friend was in a same situation when he was buying plot through Madina estate agent dealing in gulberg and poor guy end up paid 1.5 M extra to that agent

Really shamefull

The agents usually quote a higher price for bargaining purposes.

Thank you all for your valuable comments.

We must be fair in our dealings. Real Estate agents should not act as an investor and Buying property from an ordinary guy at a lesser price which does not have much knowledge about property prices and selling it to their clients at a higher price.

They are agents and should help the seller to sell his property at a reasonable market price and gives the buyer a good and clean property having good future prospects.


Yes. It’s not possible to both act as an agent for your property and buyer too. One can either be agent or a buyer.

B.R.Malik saab..

Once there was a typical mullah ,he was fed up with potatoes , once his students cooked a chicken. Molvi saab enjoyed the lunch ,but after eating it ,he asked the students about the chicken,as from where did it come.The student replied "we have stolen it".

NOW Molvi saab was in trouble ,as he had eaten HARAM....

SO after a bit of thinking , he inquired about the color of the stolen chicken , to what the students said" it was black molvi saab".

THE M olvi saab cheered and said " AL aswad menal maaf"

black is HALAL.

Good one DK. Usually litmus is our own heart. Anything we try to hide in deals is fishy.

So, the lesson is that when ever buying or selling never ever trust the other person, do your own research and attest consult 4 or 5 dealers from different areas to get a bigger picture.

Dealers says " no guy sitting here to just sale purchase and get small commission". 90% have some investment with them and they go for hunting those in need or does not know market rates and trap them so that they can get healthy return. They rarely go for seller buyer meeting, avoid it in many ways.

Kullu Haramon

Before i start my discussion, i would like to clarify that i am not a Property Dealer; Just have 2 plots near New Islamabad Airport (Alhamdulilah). Please Read:-

I would suggest better is to shift investment to the area surrounding New Islamabad Airport Main Link Road. I think now for at least next 2/3 yrs, investment center will be New Islamabad Airport. It is, therefore, my very sincere advice to all brothers that the area around NIIA is going to become Property Hub. Particularly, Genuine buyers must be aware of Risk involved in buying Property in Bahria/DHA.There are 90% Possibilities of decline in prices of Bahria/DHA due to the Approval Of Approach Road New Islamabad Airport. Because this Express Road will pass thru Top City-1/Mumtaz City. Particularly TopCity-1 is located just ahead of Main Entrance New Islamabad Airport. It will become Commercial Hub in coming 02 yrs. Rest Allah knows better

@ Ali sb…Sir i pray for healthy returns on your investment but you assumptions are way toooooooooo optimistic…You are very much under estimating the power of these two giants on the basis of just one link road which is of no significance for the customers looking for elite living at suitable prices…

Agree with Saadi.



What if EXPRESS WAY of 10 lines plus rail tracks are made a fact in future , and connects the north up-to china , passing through our beautiful capital??

WHO WILL care for proximity to NIIA THEN??

I know 80% of dealers do this , well actually property business not groomed as it should , so hungry dealers hunts , this is y i cleared things first that i need this if u can go ahead , in most cases i dont pay commission to those who want to do better marketing etc , what u can do is better aware of your property . I get what i want and rest dealer get for his hard work , actually u cant blame them they can not earn enough through only commissions and on other hand most are himself investors so actually u should know selling and buying prices and property trends with paper work .too much greed from owner or property dealer is wrong in my book and open ur case u dnt have good info about ur plot neither u able to do marketing so earn and let earn.

This is completely crap. No one needs an airport to live in. I don't understand how airport is going to drive prices up by 100-200%. Just like Islamabad expressway expansion would add just 20-25% increment to zone V properties (dealers say it will double) in the same way airport would do a little because the societies need to give some output of their own which zone 2 seriously lacks now. Yes zone 2 prices will double but in 15-20 years when it will get populated and livable. Zone 2 has no match against DHA or Bahria even tough they are far away.

@ Rahan Ullah sir mostly agents have their own investors and they have a percentage with them. So even most sellers are involved in this game willingly or unwillingly as an agent can decide with seller that seller will get his share and any thing above will go the agent himself. Most sellers have no choice over this as the only route to get a good price is through agents and so they have to compromise.

Bottomline: no matter how hard you try you will mostly end up paying more than the real value of what you buy if you do not have a strong network or have the capacity to fetch the genuine seller yourself. Again not all agents are like that but the majority are.