Downfall of Bahria, Why?

Rumour that bahria enclave doesn’t have any water. Not sure if this is true or not, but what is mysterious is that prices have gone high 200% in one year and in pakistan, if something is too good to be true; it usually isn’t.

Which property in pakistan has increased 200 % in one year?.Can you kindly inform me too.

Bahrian enclave. Kanal plot 6 million -> 1.2 million, 10 marla, 3 million -> 6 million and in just one year. People are saying that there is a huge problem of water in enclave, but public doesn’t know.

Is their any internal buying go on in bahria enclave to push prices up?

Bahria enclave sold those plots couple of years before and in first year, it couldnt rise either and by the way 1.2 million and 6 million becomes 200% increase or 100% increase?Kindly clarify this for me too.You can take help of dictionary , if necessary.

Yes off coarse there is internal buying and this is internal buying is doing by dirty malik riaz who is purchasing lot of plots to make artificial rise allah malik riaz per rahim kerray amin

Have you ever bought a property in bahria boy.? Do you have any evidence, if yes, kindly share it with us. If he is doing that then why ALLAH us per raham kerey :slight_smile:

Allah us per is leyay rahim kerray q k us ka pait i mean stomach nahi bhar raha piesoon sey

There is no way that the barren land known as bahria enclave is worthy of the prices that they are quoting. For people buying there now at exorbitant prices, my sympathies. It will probably take at least another 8-10 years to develop completely i.E. Become livable.

But it is cheap and far better project than cda enclave and development work is also better than cda project.It means this single person management is better than govt.So instead of praising him,We are ridiculing him.

Yeah i also got to know about this price increase in bahria enclave … And did not understand the reasons behind it … Btw this increase has not happened over an year … I think this major increase has happened in the past few months… Still enclave does not have noc from cda… No grid station yet … No boundary wall yet … No commercial area, hospital,school near by… And this area may be liveable in 3 years … So this increase may be artifical created by selected property dealers of bahria enclave … To boost their invesment plots … I feel even if the price will not decrease after this … They will surely not increase alot further in the future till bahria enclaveis fully liveable after 3+ years… But lets see what Syed ibrahim or other experts have to say abt this :slight_smile:

@okha is probably the first, unbiased response on this topic.

Usman you should learn mathematics first that what is 100 % increase, 200% increase and 300% increase beacuse on your mathematical calculation, you predict future prices horribly to 3-4 crore.You don’t know basics of mathematics and future predictions and you are trying to become investment expert.Don’t misguide others please on your horrible mathematical skills.By the way who is saying that everything will go up at 100% every year?

@arshad i can totally understand your need for prices to increase, you probably invested in it. But lets not get carried away. Prices of anything cannot go on increasing forever at a very high rate…This simply doesn’t happen. As for 100% every year, its true because a 10 marla plot in bahria enclave cost 30 lacs initially, then one year later it became 60 lacs and in the recent months, its “selling” at 65-70 lacs. I have sympathy for people who are buying at this barren land with no possibility of living in the next 5-6 years.

Housing is basic need of all humans and those who keeping plots for "investments " and not letting other people to buy on reasonable rates,
Are doing "zakhera andoozi"

Usman market doesnt move according to your wish or mine .I agree that prices can not go increasing forever.Nobody ever claimed that market would continue rising at same pace. If you read my previous posts, you 'd come to know that i am not in favor of so quick price hike in property of poor pakistan. But nobody can deny reality.You cant put your mouth in sand to say that storm is not coming.

I also mentioned in my posts that buying property is investment and not business, one should expect justifiable returns. For me justifiable means any rate that can beat inflation which i think is 15% or more.If you get more than this, that will be your luck.

What irritated me was that you were using 100% , 200%, 300% so frequently as there is a difference of 1, 2 or 3 only.

Kindly use these percentages with care as these are not only numbers, these percentages can change someones life significantly.

Nobody can predict future specially in pakistan where even prime minister doesn t know that he will be in his office or not tomorrow.

Logically, whenever there is lawlessness in pakistan, demand for property increases in islamabad because people from all over the country come here to seek refuge, hence the increased demand. The main factor deciding will be what happens under the next govt. … If they can provide peace then lots of people (not all ofcourse) will move back to their hometowns and prices will subside in islamabad and suburbs. If not, then price hike will continue for a while.

Well its true to a great extent that these days due to very bad energy crisis and overall security chaos, most of the businessmen have diverted their investment to real estate - the safe lazy haven!

Its not that there have come up some gold mines around the city since 2012, nor has the housing demand doubled; its just that people don't have another choice. So instead of sitting on cash, they tend to invest it in real estate.

Now one would say, why since 2012 and not before as the situation has been the same since 2008?

Well, since last year people started to anticipate a new and better government, just seeing it around the corner. They could not have shifted their money from one bad choice (business) to another (real estate) in earlier years, as the waiting time was too long.

So, overall, i would conclude it this way, if a good government with majority comes up, prices will stabilize and increase steadily but people will shift back to their original specialties of business too. Real estate passion may drop!

If a bad government (halwa of diff parties) comes, overall prices may sink or may shoot up sharply.. as pak has its own economic spirals

But one thing is for sure we'll be cursing each other on different forums. :)

Dear barry sahab,

First of all, let me clarify that if you or any one else had the evidence to back up your accusations against mr. Malik riaz, you or any other person having such evidence would already have filed a criminal case against him. This shows that by and large, mr. Riaz operates within the boundaries of law. I am sure he has a well qualified legal team to advise him.

Secondly, it is your statements that are slanderous, libelous and defamatory. These statements can easily be traced to you and expose you to a case for damages (harjana).

So unless you can produce evidence that can stand in a court of law, i would suggest that you stop using this professional forum for making unfounded personal allegations against people.

I would also request the zameen management to take note.

All the best.

Bahria town is known globally for its high modern standards of development work. In my opinion, the main downfall of bahria is due to the simple reason of extortionate development charges, investors just about paid them off not to mention, extra development charges, hence i think for this reason people are against malik riaz. However, bearing this in mind, i suppose the people who buy bahria plots must realise when they sign the affidavit, they must do exactly what the society must say, which in this case pay the extra charges. Most people did not pay the existing the development fees never mind the extra development fees and decided to cut their losses rather than plow more money into the project and as result another version of dha valley. But now its slowly progressing and we will see an improvement even though the bad reports about malik riaz (don’t know if true or not) don’t do bahria any justice!