What is the future of Rudn Enclave after RRR Scandal.
it it good time for Investment ?

stay away from any file if you dont have any previous real estate experience.

Rudn folks used to claim 0-KM from Ring Road

When you sell your stuff based on a drawing, you pretty much having a recipe for the disaster!

Can some one shed light on recent development in Rudn Enclave, as they have announced their developer ( UPDL) . is it safe at this time to pick a file there or wait for their legal status ( NOC) To clear.
Special request to Imtiaz Sahb and Qayyum on Rudn Enclave future prospects.
Moreover which project is best at this time , Rudn Enclave or Taj Residencies?

Here is answer to your querry in below link video:

RWP Rudn
