Karachi: The Pakistan Defence Officers Housing Authority (PDOHA) has invited tenders for the development of infrastructure in Sector C5, Phase VIII, DHA Karachi, according to an advert published in national dailies.
Read: DHA Karachi invites proposals for construction of entrance gate at DCK Interchange
The authority is inviting firms with prior experience in infrastructure development. As per the requirements communicated, these firms need to be affiliated with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in Category C6, CE-01, CE-09, and CE-10.
What is the procedure?
- Bid documents can be obtained from office of the Director D&C, PDOHA, Head Office, from March 22 upon submission of written request and payment of prescribed bid document fee (non-refundable) in the shape of pay order as shown against project in favor of DHA Karachi and production of valid PEC registration certificate.
- Financial bids (one original and one copy) are to be delivered at D&C Directorate on or before 10:30AM by April 5. DHA reserves the right to accept or reject all or any bids under provision of rules and regulations.
More information can be obtained from the office of Director D&C, Pakistan Defence Officers Housing Authority, Karachi, or by visiting the website at www.dhakarachi.org.
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