Holding or moving investment from BT phase 8

Dear Experts, thanks for your valuable comments. it is good to read arguments from many experienced contributors.
while there were differing comment, but let me put two scenarios.

scenario 1: assume i want to move investment, what would be the best place keeping in mind the ROI and how much i am expected to add up?

Scenario 2: i hold the investment and use the additional money to buy a second plot, e.g. CBR phase 2, which scenario is expected to yield higher in 2-5 years?

I would recommend DHA Quetta. It has best chances for rapid growth anywhere in Pakistan for next year or so. Even long-term, I believe it is a very good investment because 1 kanal files are priced around 40-45 lac right now and they’ll easily go 1.5+ crore in years to come. DHA Quetta will be one of the few formal, urban societies in Quetta (less supply there), CPEC related activities will bring business to Quetta and Quetta is anyways a major city being capital of Balochistan. Just my personal view based on seeing market. In next week, I believe the files will easily cross 50, maybe 60 lac because they are still undervalued.

Investment wise, before any answer, the ultimate questions:

– Budget
– Holding Power.

Else it all beocomes subjective.

Get well soon Hamayun brother, Stay Blessed!!

Hope and pray for your fast recovery brother Humayyun. Allah jald shifa dey. Ameen.

MS Malik, the market is highly volatile and its hard to predict which project will hit the jackpot next. We all tried our best to analyse the situation to guess which way the wind will blow. So you’ve rich set of suggestions.

But if too confusing, then I’d say, just wait for a couple of months to let the RRR issue settle and then decide.

Best wishes & Prayers for your speedy recovery Humayyun brother. You will all well In Shaa Allah.

Ameen, Insha allah

Suhail sb
Yes, we are losing un-biased assistance to the newcomers on this forum and when someone tried to show the full picture, personal hostilities get started…which is negating the very purpose of this place.
Anyways most of the readers are not kids and know what is good for them.
Good you made profits in your investments…
All the best for your future endeavours.

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Gents, non-conformance to your views doesn’t mean Biased/Un-Biased. Its a counter argue, that may be (strangely) offensive to your views!

If a group is in favor and other is not, it’s natural in any online discussions. For heaven’s sake, get out of the shell of inflated ego and agree to disagree in a civil way … Never login to online forum with an assumption that your views will be an unquestionable stamp, will save a lots of disappointments.

Exert your energies on highlighting FACTUAL MISTAKES that need to be corrected rather than trying to make other think and post like your typical hired Bots.

Yes, right . Appreciate…
But mistake corrections to be on both sides…not thinking oneself that one is Saint & all others have to be wrong…
I do not know why my replies automatically land where auto replies blast, surprising all?
Why only the same people think that they are the only audience whereas they may be or may not be?
Self proclaimed saints think that their verdicts are the ultimate verses…which is obvious to all…
Here on this forum several learned members know very well & several of passive members who never write here sending me mails & messages about some members…

thank u so much imtiaz bhai. abdul qayyum bhai. isloo bhai. nadeem bhai. stay blessed.


Dear All, i have no prejudice towards Clown City… I have own investment in Commercial plazas and even enjoy fair rent but i am not satisfied with the growth of clown’s City from investment point of view due to multiple reasons stated in my earlier post…
I believe we can only be best critics of those socities where one has the investment already or very actively involved in property investment…

I believe it is extreme dishonesty to misguide others for personal benefit or prejudices…

In 2018-19, a forum member had desired for investment in commercial, i had only recommended clown city on condition to have top location to get easy rent but do not expect the high return of base investment as a whole…

Get well Soon Humayyun sahib…


Isloo 1 bubba, The Malik Clown Riaz had/ have the chance to intorduce PE walls(Pre Engjneerd)… ( Foam wired meshed on both sides and shotcreting is done on both sides… it reduces the weight of the building… Light weight concreting is also an option but i do not know if it is economical here in clown city… wood roof with corrugated sheet is also an option to save the boat sinking in clown city with reduced weight…

Full PEB(pre engineered buildings) or wooden buildings are an option too but as we are typical minded so i do not know if it works with us in cities…

It’s an unfortunate fact, as a national trend, we (collectively) have been rejectors of innovative solutions because these don’t confirm to our perception or thinking along our old lord (Britishers) philosophy: Don’t try to fix it, if it’s not broken.

– I remember when MR introduced prefabricated houses as Awami Villas. They were dirt cheap (quite suitable for low cost housing), Lightweight and better climate management. However people were skeptical of them while Saying Yeh Kya Bakwas hai Yeh tu Plastic hai

– In an era of Turbo Engines and Electric vehicles, majority of our old school folks pretty reject them while Saying Yeh Khilonay hain Awaz aur Pick tu hai hi nahi

Same goes for so many examples where innovation died it’s slow death with thousand cuts. (New ideas and emerging solutions have been Haazaa Haram)

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Dear Ilyas bro,

I see this as great business opportunity for someone to revolutionize construction in this country. I think the amount of material we use in our house should be good to build 4 houses in a developed country.

World has increasingly moved to prefab materials and fittings. While we are still cutting sheets with an old saw to build kitchen cabinets, doors and cupboards. In other countries, you can buy entire fitting ready to install as plug-n-play solution.

Whoever makes the first move is going to win. In fact Chinese have already stuffed our markets with ready-made doors. So I won’t be surprised if they capture other material markets as well.

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Yes , right
But Alhamdolilla, in Pakistan things are changing now in every facet of life , late start though…
In auto industry, electric bycs production started.
Huge incentives now for electric car in-house production.
Now we see all fruits in market which we never had decades before…this is tissue culture technology which is working & same goes for zaitoon tree planting.
In electronics, mobiles will be produced in Pak now.
In construction domain, yes, too much to be done in wood making compression technology but tiles quality is second to none.
If we do geo-thermal cooling technology in houses, we can save tons of energy.
There are lot of good news now & In Shaa Allah will get more…

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So Ilyas sb, back to original topic.

If the Clown or his peanut-brained offspring had invested in modren construction technology, let’s say prefab walls and roofs, then they would have done killer business on the one hand and could make their Clown towns a great success.

But their thought train could not get past selling plot files and doing drag race.

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Still construction history will save his name decades to come.
He has done marvellous job in construction & whoever came after him, have been & will be his follower in construction standards.
I know people getting huge profits in MR’s bahria towns but think it’s their religious duty to criticize him on everything he is doing…
We are a nation of double standards…our leaders, Justice system, education system, media, writers…all no exception…


Isloo 1 bubba,

Actually Clown was in too hurry and sacrifised the gold laying hen to grab all golds once for all and feed them all to his peanut brained mini clown… and eating more than three eggs a day MAY boost bad cholesterol…

For Clown’s Offspring and Bilawal zardari i have a special quote:

I wish i could go “back to future” 1980 … (the rest of quote might be too insensitive to some of my bros)…

Cheers, you made my day bro.

I think once Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are done with space trips, we can borrow their rockets, fuel them up, stuff entire incompetent lot and launch for one-way trip to Mars.